Δευτέρα 26 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Τα σημερινά αποτελέσματα

Αγώνας: Άρης-Λαμία 3-1
Γήπεδο: Βασιλικών
Διαιτητές: Θέμελης-Μιχελινάκης
Τα σετ: 25-23, 19-25, 25-20, 25-23.

1ο σετ: 2-1, 11-9, 19-14, 22-21, 22-22, 23-22, 23-23, 24-23, 25-23.
2ο σετ: 1-0, 3-2, 4-2, 5-3, 6-6, 7-6, 8-6, 9-7, 9-9, 14-20, 17-22, 19-25.
3ο σετ: 5-6, 9-10, 11-10, 13-12, 14-12, 15-14, 16-14, 17-15, 21-17, 22-18, 25-20.
4ο σετ: 1-0, 5-2, 6-2, 6-3, 8-4, 10-6, 12-10, 13-11, 14-13, 15-14, 16-15, 19-21, 21-21, 23-23, 25-23.

Διοργάνωση: Α1 βόλεϊ
Αγωνιστική: 15η
Αγώνας: Ε.Α Πατρών-Ηρακλής 0-3
Γήπεδο: Πατρών
Διαιτητές: Γεωργουλέας-Ράπτης
Τα σετ: 20-25, 13-25. 19-25.

1ο σετ: 1-2, 1-3, 2-4, 4-6, 5-7, 5-8, 6-9, 5-10, 7-10, 8-12, 11-14, 13-19, 14-20, 16-20, 17-21, 20-25.
2ο σετ: 0-1, 2-2, 4-2, 7-7, 8-7, 8-9, 8-10, 9-11, 10-11, 10-12, 10-14, 11-18, 11-20, 12-23, 13-24, 13-25.
3ο σετ: 1-0, 1-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-3, 9-7, 10-8, 12-10, 12-11, 12-12, 12-14, 12-16, 14-19, 15-22, 17-23, 19-25.

Αγώνας: Κηφισιά-Φοίνικας Σύρου 3-0
Γήπεδο: Ζηρίνειο
Διαιτητές: Βαρθαλίτης–Πανούτσος
Τα σετ: 25-22, 25-16, 25-18.

1ο σετ: 3-5, 9-9, 14-15, 15-15, 21-18, 25-22.
2ο σετ: 6-5, 9-9, 13-12, 19-14, 25-16.
3ο σετ: 7-6, 12-8, 18-12, 23-17, 25-18.

Τα σημερινά αποτελέσματα

Αγώνας: Άρης-Λαμία 3-1
Γήπεδο: Βασιλικών
Διαιτητές: Θέμελης-Μιχελινάκης
Τα σετ: 25-23, 19-25, 25-20, 25-23.

1ο σετ: 2-1, 11-9, 19-14, 22-21, 22-22, 23-22, 23-23, 24-23, 25-23.
2ο σετ: 1-0, 3-2, 4-2, 5-3, 6-6, 7-6, 8-6, 9-7, 9-9, 14-20, 17-22, 19-25.
3ο σετ: 5-6, 9-10, 11-10, 13-12, 14-12, 15-14, 16-14, 17-15, 21-17, 22-18, 25-20.
4ο σετ: 1-0, 5-2, 6-2, 6-3, 8-4, 10-6, 12-10, 13-11, 14-13, 15-14, 16-15, 19-21, 21-21, 23-23, 25-23.

Διοργάνωση: Α1 βόλεϊ
Αγωνιστική: 15η
Αγώνας: Ε.Α Πατρών-Ηρακλής 0-3
Γήπεδο: Πατρών
Διαιτητές: Γεωργουλέας-Ράπτης
Τα σετ: 20-25, 13-25. 19-25.

1ο σετ: 1-2, 1-3, 2-4, 4-6, 5-7, 5-8, 6-9, 5-10, 7-10, 8-12, 11-14, 13-19, 14-20, 16-20, 17-21, 20-25.
2ο σετ: 0-1, 2-2, 4-2, 7-7, 8-7, 8-9, 8-10, 9-11, 10-11, 10-12, 10-14, 11-18, 11-20, 12-23, 13-24, 13-25.
3ο σετ: 1-0, 1-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-3, 9-7, 10-8, 12-10, 12-11, 12-12, 12-14, 12-16, 14-19, 15-22, 17-23, 19-25.

Αγώνας: Κηφισιά-Φοίνικας Σύρου 3-0
Γήπεδο: Ζηρίνειο
Διαιτητές: Βαρθαλίτης–Πανούτσος
Τα σετ: 25-22, 25-16, 25-18.

1ο σετ: 3-5, 9-9, 14-15, 15-15, 21-18, 25-22.
2ο σετ: 6-5, 9-9, 13-12, 19-14, 25-16.
3ο σετ: 7-6, 12-8, 18-12, 23-17, 25-18.

Τα σημερινά αποτελέσματα

Αγώνας: Άρης-Λαμία 3-1
Γήπεδο: Βασιλικών
Διαιτητές: Θέμελης-Μιχελινάκης
Τα σετ: 25-23, 19-25, 25-20, 25-23.

1ο σετ: 2-1, 11-9, 19-14, 22-21, 22-22, 23-22, 23-23, 24-23, 25-23.
2ο σετ: 1-0, 3-2, 4-2, 5-3, 6-6, 7-6, 8-6, 9-7, 9-9, 14-20, 17-22, 19-25.
3ο σετ: 5-6, 9-10, 11-10, 13-12, 14-12, 15-14, 16-14, 17-15, 21-17, 22-18, 25-20.
4ο σετ: 1-0, 5-2, 6-2, 6-3, 8-4, 10-6, 12-10, 13-11, 14-13, 15-14, 16-15, 19-21, 21-21, 23-23, 25-23.

Διοργάνωση: Α1 βόλεϊ
Αγωνιστική: 15η
Αγώνας: Ε.Α Πατρών-Ηρακλής 0-3
Γήπεδο: Πατρών
Διαιτητές: Γεωργουλέας-Ράπτης
Τα σετ: 20-25, 13-25. 19-25.

1ο σετ: 1-2, 1-3, 2-4, 4-6, 5-7, 5-8, 6-9, 5-10, 7-10, 8-12, 11-14, 13-19, 14-20, 16-20, 17-21, 20-25.
2ο σετ: 0-1, 2-2, 4-2, 7-7, 8-7, 8-9, 8-10, 9-11, 10-11, 10-12, 10-14, 11-18, 11-20, 12-23, 13-24, 13-25.
3ο σετ: 1-0, 1-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-3, 9-7, 10-8, 12-10, 12-11, 12-12, 12-14, 12-16, 14-19, 15-22, 17-23, 19-25.

Αγώνας: Κηφισιά-Φοίνικας Σύρου 3-0
Γήπεδο: Ζηρίνειο
Διαιτητές: Βαρθαλίτης–Πανούτσος
Τα σετ: 25-22, 25-16, 25-18.

1ο σετ: 3-5, 9-9, 14-15, 15-15, 21-18, 25-22.
2ο σετ: 6-5, 9-9, 13-12, 19-14, 25-16.
3ο σετ: 7-6, 12-8, 18-12, 23-17, 25-18.

«Ζωντανός» ο ΠΑΟ στο Κατσάνειο

Συγκλονιστικό ματς στο Κατσάνειο με τον Παναθηναϊκό να κάνει την ανατροπή και να φεύγει νικητής από τη Θεσσαλονίκη, με 3-2 (26-28, 25-18, 20-25, 25-16, 20-18) σετ επί του Ηρακλή.

Ο «γηραιός» έκανε εξαιρετικό παιχνίδι και αν μία από τις πολλές επιθέσεις της Μοντάνο στο φινάλε του τάι μπρέικ είχε βρει... στόχο, τότε η ομάδα του Στράντζαλη θα είχε πανηγυρίσει μια μεγάλη νίκη. Αυτή κατέληξε στις «πράσινες» που αν και δεν ήταν σε καλή μέρα, πήραν το δίποντο. Εξακολουθούν όμως, να βρίσκονται στη δεύτερη θέση, πίσω από τον Ολυμπιακό, έχοντας έναν αγώνα λιγότερο.

ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Θ. Στράντζαλης): Κάτιτς 5π. (3 άσοι, 1/5 επ., 2 μπλ.), Κιόση 20 (1 άσος 16/35 επ., 3 μπλ., 12 άμ.), Μοντάνο 26 (4 άσοι, 20/49 επ., 2 μπλ.73% υπ., 3 άμ.), Γεωργακοπούλου 9 (2 άσοι, 5/12 επ., 2 μπλ.), Χανταβά 5 (4/22 επ., 72% υπ., 1 μπλ., 3 άμ.), Κυριακίδου 10 (8/16 επ., 2 μπλ.), Βούγεβιτς (λ.-77%, 13 άμυνες) / Αναγνώστου, Γιακούμπ 1 ( 1 μπλ.), Λαζαρίδου, Γεωργιάδου 1.
ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟΣ (Τ. Φλώρος): Κουτουξίδου 2π. (1/1 επ., 1 μπλ., 2 άμ.), Ντουμιτρέσκου 13 (10/25 επ., 3 μπλ., 3 άμ.), Τόσκο 19 (4 άσοι, 14/32 επ., 1 μπλ., 5 άμ.), Τομάσεβιτς 4 (4/16 επ., 6 άμ., 81% υπ.), Φερνάντεζ 23 (5 άσοι, 16/24 επ., 2 μπλ.), Σαπαρέφσκα 9 (6/18 επ., 1 μπλ., 2 άμ.), , Μυλωνά (λ.-70% υπ., 8 άμυνες) / Σάκουλα, Χατζηνίκου, Παπαγεωργίου (8/14 επ., 2 μπλ., 3 άμ., 70% υπ.).

Πανιώνιος - Ηρακλής Κηφ. 3-1 (28-26, 25-18, 20-25, 25-16)
Άρης - Ίωνες 3-0 (25-21, 25-14, 25-20,
Κτησιφών - Ολυμπιακός 0-3 (6-25, 20-25, 11-25)
Πανελλήνιος - Κερατέα 3-0 (25-22, 25-19, 25-21)
Ηρακλής Θεσσαλονίκης - Παναθηναϊκός 2-3 (28-26, 18-25, 25-20, 16-25, 18-20)

Τετάρτη (28/01)
Γηπ.Νεάπολης Λαρ., 17.30: ΕΑ Λαρίσης - Μαρκόπουλο

ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ (σε 14 αγώνες)
1. Ολυμπιακός 43-13 40
2. Παναθηναϊκός 41-8 39
3. Mαρκόπουλο 36-12 35
4. Ηρακλής 39-17 33
5. Ηρακλής Κηφ. 33-18 27
6. Πανελλήνιος 30-26 25
7. Πανιώνιος 26-24 23
8. Άρης 18-34 15
9. Κερατέα 12-37 9
10. ΕΑ Λάρισας 17-37 9
11. Ίωνες 13-39 9
12. Κτησιφών 2-45 0
* Παναθηναϊκός, Ηρακλής Κηφισιάς, Μαρκόπουλο και ΕΑ Λαρίσης έχουν ματς

«Ζωντανός» ο ΠΑΟ στο Κατσάνειο

Συγκλονιστικό ματς στο Κατσάνειο με τον Παναθηναϊκό να κάνει την ανατροπή και να φεύγει νικητής από τη Θεσσαλονίκη, με 3-2 (26-28, 25-18, 20-25, 25-16, 20-18) σετ επί του Ηρακλή.

Ο «γηραιός» έκανε εξαιρετικό παιχνίδι και αν μία από τις πολλές επιθέσεις της Μοντάνο στο φινάλε του τάι μπρέικ είχε βρει... στόχο, τότε η ομάδα του Στράντζαλη θα είχε πανηγυρίσει μια μεγάλη νίκη. Αυτή κατέληξε στις «πράσινες» που αν και δεν ήταν σε καλή μέρα, πήραν το δίποντο. Εξακολουθούν όμως, να βρίσκονται στη δεύτερη θέση, πίσω από τον Ολυμπιακό, έχοντας έναν αγώνα λιγότερο.

ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Θ. Στράντζαλης): Κάτιτς 5π. (3 άσοι, 1/5 επ., 2 μπλ.), Κιόση 20 (1 άσος 16/35 επ., 3 μπλ., 12 άμ.), Μοντάνο 26 (4 άσοι, 20/49 επ., 2 μπλ.73% υπ., 3 άμ.), Γεωργακοπούλου 9 (2 άσοι, 5/12 επ., 2 μπλ.), Χανταβά 5 (4/22 επ., 72% υπ., 1 μπλ., 3 άμ.), Κυριακίδου 10 (8/16 επ., 2 μπλ.), Βούγεβιτς (λ.-77%, 13 άμυνες) / Αναγνώστου, Γιακούμπ 1 ( 1 μπλ.), Λαζαρίδου, Γεωργιάδου 1.
ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟΣ (Τ. Φλώρος): Κουτουξίδου 2π. (1/1 επ., 1 μπλ., 2 άμ.), Ντουμιτρέσκου 13 (10/25 επ., 3 μπλ., 3 άμ.), Τόσκο 19 (4 άσοι, 14/32 επ., 1 μπλ., 5 άμ.), Τομάσεβιτς 4 (4/16 επ., 6 άμ., 81% υπ.), Φερνάντεζ 23 (5 άσοι, 16/24 επ., 2 μπλ.), Σαπαρέφσκα 9 (6/18 επ., 1 μπλ., 2 άμ.), , Μυλωνά (λ.-70% υπ., 8 άμυνες) / Σάκουλα, Χατζηνίκου, Παπαγεωργίου (8/14 επ., 2 μπλ., 3 άμ., 70% υπ.).

Πανιώνιος - Ηρακλής Κηφ. 3-1 (28-26, 25-18, 20-25, 25-16)
Άρης - Ίωνες 3-0 (25-21, 25-14, 25-20,
Κτησιφών - Ολυμπιακός 0-3 (6-25, 20-25, 11-25)
Πανελλήνιος - Κερατέα 3-0 (25-22, 25-19, 25-21)
Ηρακλής Θεσσαλονίκης - Παναθηναϊκός 2-3 (28-26, 18-25, 25-20, 16-25, 18-20)

Τετάρτη (28/01)
Γηπ.Νεάπολης Λαρ., 17.30: ΕΑ Λαρίσης - Μαρκόπουλο

ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ (σε 14 αγώνες)
1. Ολυμπιακός 43-13 40
2. Παναθηναϊκός 41-8 39
3. Mαρκόπουλο 36-12 35
4. Ηρακλής 39-17 33
5. Ηρακλής Κηφ. 33-18 27
6. Πανελλήνιος 30-26 25
7. Πανιώνιος 26-24 23
8. Άρης 18-34 15
9. Κερατέα 12-37 9
10. ΕΑ Λάρισας 17-37 9
11. Ίωνες 13-39 9
12. Κτησιφών 2-45 0
* Παναθηναϊκός, Ηρακλής Κηφισιάς, Μαρκόπουλο και ΕΑ Λαρίσης έχουν ματς

«Ζωντανός» ο ΠΑΟ στο Κατσάνειο

Συγκλονιστικό ματς στο Κατσάνειο με τον Παναθηναϊκό να κάνει την ανατροπή και να φεύγει νικητής από τη Θεσσαλονίκη, με 3-2 (26-28, 25-18, 20-25, 25-16, 20-18) σετ επί του Ηρακλή.

Ο «γηραιός» έκανε εξαιρετικό παιχνίδι και αν μία από τις πολλές επιθέσεις της Μοντάνο στο φινάλε του τάι μπρέικ είχε βρει... στόχο, τότε η ομάδα του Στράντζαλη θα είχε πανηγυρίσει μια μεγάλη νίκη. Αυτή κατέληξε στις «πράσινες» που αν και δεν ήταν σε καλή μέρα, πήραν το δίποντο. Εξακολουθούν όμως, να βρίσκονται στη δεύτερη θέση, πίσω από τον Ολυμπιακό, έχοντας έναν αγώνα λιγότερο.

ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Θ. Στράντζαλης): Κάτιτς 5π. (3 άσοι, 1/5 επ., 2 μπλ.), Κιόση 20 (1 άσος 16/35 επ., 3 μπλ., 12 άμ.), Μοντάνο 26 (4 άσοι, 20/49 επ., 2 μπλ.73% υπ., 3 άμ.), Γεωργακοπούλου 9 (2 άσοι, 5/12 επ., 2 μπλ.), Χανταβά 5 (4/22 επ., 72% υπ., 1 μπλ., 3 άμ.), Κυριακίδου 10 (8/16 επ., 2 μπλ.), Βούγεβιτς (λ.-77%, 13 άμυνες) / Αναγνώστου, Γιακούμπ 1 ( 1 μπλ.), Λαζαρίδου, Γεωργιάδου 1.
ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟΣ (Τ. Φλώρος): Κουτουξίδου 2π. (1/1 επ., 1 μπλ., 2 άμ.), Ντουμιτρέσκου 13 (10/25 επ., 3 μπλ., 3 άμ.), Τόσκο 19 (4 άσοι, 14/32 επ., 1 μπλ., 5 άμ.), Τομάσεβιτς 4 (4/16 επ., 6 άμ., 81% υπ.), Φερνάντεζ 23 (5 άσοι, 16/24 επ., 2 μπλ.), Σαπαρέφσκα 9 (6/18 επ., 1 μπλ., 2 άμ.), , Μυλωνά (λ.-70% υπ., 8 άμυνες) / Σάκουλα, Χατζηνίκου, Παπαγεωργίου (8/14 επ., 2 μπλ., 3 άμ., 70% υπ.).

Πανιώνιος - Ηρακλής Κηφ. 3-1 (28-26, 25-18, 20-25, 25-16)
Άρης - Ίωνες 3-0 (25-21, 25-14, 25-20,
Κτησιφών - Ολυμπιακός 0-3 (6-25, 20-25, 11-25)
Πανελλήνιος - Κερατέα 3-0 (25-22, 25-19, 25-21)
Ηρακλής Θεσσαλονίκης - Παναθηναϊκός 2-3 (28-26, 18-25, 25-20, 16-25, 18-20)

Τετάρτη (28/01)
Γηπ.Νεάπολης Λαρ., 17.30: ΕΑ Λαρίσης - Μαρκόπουλο

ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ (σε 14 αγώνες)
1. Ολυμπιακός 43-13 40
2. Παναθηναϊκός 41-8 39
3. Mαρκόπουλο 36-12 35
4. Ηρακλής 39-17 33
5. Ηρακλής Κηφ. 33-18 27
6. Πανελλήνιος 30-26 25
7. Πανιώνιος 26-24 23
8. Άρης 18-34 15
9. Κερατέα 12-37 9
10. ΕΑ Λάρισας 17-37 9
11. Ίωνες 13-39 9
12. Κτησιφών 2-45 0
* Παναθηναϊκός, Ηρακλής Κηφισιάς, Μαρκόπουλο και ΕΑ Λαρίσης έχουν ματς

Ηττα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ από τον Ηρακλή

Η ομάδα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ τη Δευτέρα (26/1) δεν βρέθηκε σε καλή βραδιά με αποτέλεσμα να γνώρισει εντός έδρας ήττα με 3-0 (25-20, 25-13, 25-19) από τον Ηρακλή, στο πλαίσιο της 15ης αγωνιστικής της Α1 Εθνικής.

Ο τεχνικός της ΕΑΠ Λουξ, Γιώργος Χριστόπουλος, δήλωσε: «Βρεθήκαμε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα. Ένα μεγάλο συγνώμη στον κόσμο που βρέθηκε στο γήπεδο και μας στήριξε. Όλη την εβδομάδα μας προβλημάτισε ο τραυματισμός του Γιορντάνοφ ο όποιος αγωνίστηκε κανονικά και είμαι ικανοποιημένος από αυτόν αλλά δεν είμαι το ίδιο ικανοποιημένος από τους υποδοχείς μας, ήμασταν αδικαιολόγητοι, δεν επιτρέπεται να κάνουμε τόσα λάθη στο γήπεδο μας και δώσαμε το δικαίωμα στον Ηρακλή να επιβάλει το ρυθμό του. Κοιτάζουμε μπροστά το παιχνίδι και το παιχνίδι με τον Μίλωνα».

Ο ακραίος της Πατρινής ομάδας, Χρήστος Ιωακειμίδης, είπε: «Βρεθήκαμε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα, Κάναμε πολλά λάθη, τα περισσότερα θα έλεγα από κάθε άλλο παιχνίδι. Πιστεύω ότι αυτή η εμφάνιση είναι μια κακή παρένθεση στην πορεία που κάνουμε φέτος και θα επιστρέψουμε άμεσα στις νίκες. Πλέον αυτό που προέχει είναι να ανασυντάξουμε τις δυνάμεις καθώς μπροστά μας έχουμε την Παρασκευή το παιχνίδι με τον Μίλωνα για το Κύπελλο Ελλάδος όπου θέλουμε νίκη και πρόκριση στα ημιτελικά του θεσμού».

Ο τεχνικός του Ηρακλή, Κώστας Αρσενιάδης, είπε: «Κάναμε πολύ μεγάλο παιχνίδι, εμφάνιση Τσαμπιονς Λιγκ και δεν αφήσαμε την Πάτρα να πιάσει το ρυθμό της. Η Πάτρα δεν ήταν αυτή που είδαμε σήμερα, αξίζει πολλά παραπάνω και το έχει δείξει και στην Ευρώπη αφού τίποτα δεν είναι τυχαίο. Το πρωτάθλημα είναι από τα συναρπαστικότερα των τελευταίων ετών και έχει πολύ δρόμο ακόμα».

ΕΑΠ (Χριστόπουλος): Γιορντάνοφ 11, Κόβατς 4, Παπάζογλου 4 (1 άσο), Ζέκοφ, Νοβότνι 6 (2 άσους), Σάκι 8, λίμπερο ο Δημητρακόπουλος με 50%, (Γκιρτζίκης, Λαμπρόπουλος, Γκιούρδας, Ιωακειμίδης)
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Αρσενιάδης): Κράβαρικ 7 (1 άσο), Νίλσον 13 (5 άσους), Τίσερ 5 (1 άσο), Αχρεμ 9 (2 άσους), Κονσταντίνοφ 8, Σμαραγδής 7, λίμπερο ο Κουλιέρης με 52%.

Ηττα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ από τον Ηρακλή

Η ομάδα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ τη Δευτέρα (26/1) δεν βρέθηκε σε καλή βραδιά με αποτέλεσμα να γνώρισει εντός έδρας ήττα με 3-0 (25-20, 25-13, 25-19) από τον Ηρακλή, στο πλαίσιο της 15ης αγωνιστικής της Α1 Εθνικής.

Ο τεχνικός της ΕΑΠ Λουξ, Γιώργος Χριστόπουλος, δήλωσε: «Βρεθήκαμε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα. Ένα μεγάλο συγνώμη στον κόσμο που βρέθηκε στο γήπεδο και μας στήριξε. Όλη την εβδομάδα μας προβλημάτισε ο τραυματισμός του Γιορντάνοφ ο όποιος αγωνίστηκε κανονικά και είμαι ικανοποιημένος από αυτόν αλλά δεν είμαι το ίδιο ικανοποιημένος από τους υποδοχείς μας, ήμασταν αδικαιολόγητοι, δεν επιτρέπεται να κάνουμε τόσα λάθη στο γήπεδο μας και δώσαμε το δικαίωμα στον Ηρακλή να επιβάλει το ρυθμό του. Κοιτάζουμε μπροστά το παιχνίδι και το παιχνίδι με τον Μίλωνα».

Ο ακραίος της Πατρινής ομάδας, Χρήστος Ιωακειμίδης, είπε: «Βρεθήκαμε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα, Κάναμε πολλά λάθη, τα περισσότερα θα έλεγα από κάθε άλλο παιχνίδι. Πιστεύω ότι αυτή η εμφάνιση είναι μια κακή παρένθεση στην πορεία που κάνουμε φέτος και θα επιστρέψουμε άμεσα στις νίκες. Πλέον αυτό που προέχει είναι να ανασυντάξουμε τις δυνάμεις καθώς μπροστά μας έχουμε την Παρασκευή το παιχνίδι με τον Μίλωνα για το Κύπελλο Ελλάδος όπου θέλουμε νίκη και πρόκριση στα ημιτελικά του θεσμού».

Ο τεχνικός του Ηρακλή, Κώστας Αρσενιάδης, είπε: «Κάναμε πολύ μεγάλο παιχνίδι, εμφάνιση Τσαμπιονς Λιγκ και δεν αφήσαμε την Πάτρα να πιάσει το ρυθμό της. Η Πάτρα δεν ήταν αυτή που είδαμε σήμερα, αξίζει πολλά παραπάνω και το έχει δείξει και στην Ευρώπη αφού τίποτα δεν είναι τυχαίο. Το πρωτάθλημα είναι από τα συναρπαστικότερα των τελευταίων ετών και έχει πολύ δρόμο ακόμα».

ΕΑΠ (Χριστόπουλος): Γιορντάνοφ 11, Κόβατς 4, Παπάζογλου 4 (1 άσο), Ζέκοφ, Νοβότνι 6 (2 άσους), Σάκι 8, λίμπερο ο Δημητρακόπουλος με 50%, (Γκιρτζίκης, Λαμπρόπουλος, Γκιούρδας, Ιωακειμίδης)
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Αρσενιάδης): Κράβαρικ 7 (1 άσο), Νίλσον 13 (5 άσους), Τίσερ 5 (1 άσο), Αχρεμ 9 (2 άσους), Κονσταντίνοφ 8, Σμαραγδής 7, λίμπερο ο Κουλιέρης με 52%.

Ηττα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ από τον Ηρακλή

Η ομάδα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ τη Δευτέρα (26/1) δεν βρέθηκε σε καλή βραδιά με αποτέλεσμα να γνώρισει εντός έδρας ήττα με 3-0 (25-20, 25-13, 25-19) από τον Ηρακλή, στο πλαίσιο της 15ης αγωνιστικής της Α1 Εθνικής.

Ο τεχνικός της ΕΑΠ Λουξ, Γιώργος Χριστόπουλος, δήλωσε: «Βρεθήκαμε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα. Ένα μεγάλο συγνώμη στον κόσμο που βρέθηκε στο γήπεδο και μας στήριξε. Όλη την εβδομάδα μας προβλημάτισε ο τραυματισμός του Γιορντάνοφ ο όποιος αγωνίστηκε κανονικά και είμαι ικανοποιημένος από αυτόν αλλά δεν είμαι το ίδιο ικανοποιημένος από τους υποδοχείς μας, ήμασταν αδικαιολόγητοι, δεν επιτρέπεται να κάνουμε τόσα λάθη στο γήπεδο μας και δώσαμε το δικαίωμα στον Ηρακλή να επιβάλει το ρυθμό του. Κοιτάζουμε μπροστά το παιχνίδι και το παιχνίδι με τον Μίλωνα».

Ο ακραίος της Πατρινής ομάδας, Χρήστος Ιωακειμίδης, είπε: «Βρεθήκαμε σε πολύ κακή ημέρα, Κάναμε πολλά λάθη, τα περισσότερα θα έλεγα από κάθε άλλο παιχνίδι. Πιστεύω ότι αυτή η εμφάνιση είναι μια κακή παρένθεση στην πορεία που κάνουμε φέτος και θα επιστρέψουμε άμεσα στις νίκες. Πλέον αυτό που προέχει είναι να ανασυντάξουμε τις δυνάμεις καθώς μπροστά μας έχουμε την Παρασκευή το παιχνίδι με τον Μίλωνα για το Κύπελλο Ελλάδος όπου θέλουμε νίκη και πρόκριση στα ημιτελικά του θεσμού».

Ο τεχνικός του Ηρακλή, Κώστας Αρσενιάδης, είπε: «Κάναμε πολύ μεγάλο παιχνίδι, εμφάνιση Τσαμπιονς Λιγκ και δεν αφήσαμε την Πάτρα να πιάσει το ρυθμό της. Η Πάτρα δεν ήταν αυτή που είδαμε σήμερα, αξίζει πολλά παραπάνω και το έχει δείξει και στην Ευρώπη αφού τίποτα δεν είναι τυχαίο. Το πρωτάθλημα είναι από τα συναρπαστικότερα των τελευταίων ετών και έχει πολύ δρόμο ακόμα».

ΕΑΠ (Χριστόπουλος): Γιορντάνοφ 11, Κόβατς 4, Παπάζογλου 4 (1 άσο), Ζέκοφ, Νοβότνι 6 (2 άσους), Σάκι 8, λίμπερο ο Δημητρακόπουλος με 50%, (Γκιρτζίκης, Λαμπρόπουλος, Γκιούρδας, Ιωακειμίδης)
ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Αρσενιάδης): Κράβαρικ 7 (1 άσο), Νίλσον 13 (5 άσους), Τίσερ 5 (1 άσο), Αχρεμ 9 (2 άσους), Κονσταντίνοφ 8, Σμαραγδής 7, λίμπερο ο Κουλιέρης με 52%.

Newsletter Lega Volley: A2: Crema upset Castellana Grotte


Latina sole leader

Roberto Cazzaniga scores 38in Crema's win over Castellana Grotte

In Sunday night's game, which was live on Tv, Crema upset Castellana Grotte on a 3-1 score. Roberto Cazzaniga was once more the lethal weapon of Luca Monti's team, scoring 38 points, the record in 2008-09. Crema's outside hitter smashed sown one more than Leonel Marshal, who had registered 37 with Macerata last 21st of December.

Meanwhile, Latina finally managed to be in a world of its own. Joint-leader with Santa Croce in the last 7 days, It celebrated yesterday the lone leadership thanks to the Tuscan's defeat against Mantova. However, Latina's edge on Santa Croce and Bassano is tiny as it could only beat Gioia del Colle at the tie-break. This result confirms that the team from the Puglia region is a true outsider in this A2 league.

Roma extended its positive streak. After knocking Bassano out of the Cup, they rolled over Catania 3-0. Bassano and Loreto bounced back following their cup disappointment with 3-0 wins respectively against Castelfidardo and Cavriago.


Canadiens Mantova - Codyeco S.Croce 3-0 (25-19; 26-24; 25-19)

M. Roma Volley - Sp Catania 3-0 (25-18; 25-21; 25-23)

Andreoli Latina - Nava Gioia del Colle 3-2 (25-22; 22-25; 25-17; 21-25; 15-10)

Bassano Volley - La Nef Castelfidardo 3-0 (25- 18; 25-20; 25-23)

Esse-ti Carilo Loreto - Edilesse Cavriago 3- 0 (25-21; 25-19; 25-14)

Samgas Crema - Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte 3-1 (20-25, 25-18, 25-22, 36-34)

Monday 26th January at 8.30pm

Wayel Bologna - Olio Pignatelli Isernia

(Orpianesi - Perdisci)

Rested: Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello


Andreoli Latina 42; Bassano Volley 41; Codyeco Santa Croce 40; Esse-ti Carilo Loreto 39; Nava Gioia del Colle, Olio Pignatelli Isernia 31; Samgas Crema 30; Canadiens Mantova 29; M.Roma Volley 28; Materdomini Volley.it Castellana Grotte, Wayel Bologna 23; Edilesse Cavriago 17; Sp Catania 16; Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello 14; La Nef Castelfidardo* 13.

1 Game in hand: Bassano Volley, Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto, Olio Pignatelli Isernia, Canadiens Mantova, M. Roma Volley, Wayel Bologna, Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello;

Newsletter Lega Volley: A2: Crema upset Castellana Grotte


Latina sole leader

Roberto Cazzaniga scores 38in Crema's win over Castellana Grotte

In Sunday night's game, which was live on Tv, Crema upset Castellana Grotte on a 3-1 score. Roberto Cazzaniga was once more the lethal weapon of Luca Monti's team, scoring 38 points, the record in 2008-09. Crema's outside hitter smashed sown one more than Leonel Marshal, who had registered 37 with Macerata last 21st of December.

Meanwhile, Latina finally managed to be in a world of its own. Joint-leader with Santa Croce in the last 7 days, It celebrated yesterday the lone leadership thanks to the Tuscan's defeat against Mantova. However, Latina's edge on Santa Croce and Bassano is tiny as it could only beat Gioia del Colle at the tie-break. This result confirms that the team from the Puglia region is a true outsider in this A2 league.

Roma extended its positive streak. After knocking Bassano out of the Cup, they rolled over Catania 3-0. Bassano and Loreto bounced back following their cup disappointment with 3-0 wins respectively against Castelfidardo and Cavriago.


Canadiens Mantova - Codyeco S.Croce 3-0 (25-19; 26-24; 25-19)

M. Roma Volley - Sp Catania 3-0 (25-18; 25-21; 25-23)

Andreoli Latina - Nava Gioia del Colle 3-2 (25-22; 22-25; 25-17; 21-25; 15-10)

Bassano Volley - La Nef Castelfidardo 3-0 (25- 18; 25-20; 25-23)

Esse-ti Carilo Loreto - Edilesse Cavriago 3- 0 (25-21; 25-19; 25-14)

Samgas Crema - Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte 3-1 (20-25, 25-18, 25-22, 36-34)

Monday 26th January at 8.30pm

Wayel Bologna - Olio Pignatelli Isernia

(Orpianesi - Perdisci)

Rested: Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello


Andreoli Latina 42; Bassano Volley 41; Codyeco Santa Croce 40; Esse-ti Carilo Loreto 39; Nava Gioia del Colle, Olio Pignatelli Isernia 31; Samgas Crema 30; Canadiens Mantova 29; M.Roma Volley 28; Materdomini Volley.it Castellana Grotte, Wayel Bologna 23; Edilesse Cavriago 17; Sp Catania 16; Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello 14; La Nef Castelfidardo* 13.

1 Game in hand: Bassano Volley, Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto, Olio Pignatelli Isernia, Canadiens Mantova, M. Roma Volley, Wayel Bologna, Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello;

Newsletter Lega Volley: A2: Crema upset Castellana Grotte


Latina sole leader

Roberto Cazzaniga scores 38in Crema's win over Castellana Grotte

In Sunday night's game, which was live on Tv, Crema upset Castellana Grotte on a 3-1 score. Roberto Cazzaniga was once more the lethal weapon of Luca Monti's team, scoring 38 points, the record in 2008-09. Crema's outside hitter smashed sown one more than Leonel Marshal, who had registered 37 with Macerata last 21st of December.

Meanwhile, Latina finally managed to be in a world of its own. Joint-leader with Santa Croce in the last 7 days, It celebrated yesterday the lone leadership thanks to the Tuscan's defeat against Mantova. However, Latina's edge on Santa Croce and Bassano is tiny as it could only beat Gioia del Colle at the tie-break. This result confirms that the team from the Puglia region is a true outsider in this A2 league.

Roma extended its positive streak. After knocking Bassano out of the Cup, they rolled over Catania 3-0. Bassano and Loreto bounced back following their cup disappointment with 3-0 wins respectively against Castelfidardo and Cavriago.


Canadiens Mantova - Codyeco S.Croce 3-0 (25-19; 26-24; 25-19)

M. Roma Volley - Sp Catania 3-0 (25-18; 25-21; 25-23)

Andreoli Latina - Nava Gioia del Colle 3-2 (25-22; 22-25; 25-17; 21-25; 15-10)

Bassano Volley - La Nef Castelfidardo 3-0 (25- 18; 25-20; 25-23)

Esse-ti Carilo Loreto - Edilesse Cavriago 3- 0 (25-21; 25-19; 25-14)

Samgas Crema - Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte 3-1 (20-25, 25-18, 25-22, 36-34)

Monday 26th January at 8.30pm

Wayel Bologna - Olio Pignatelli Isernia

(Orpianesi - Perdisci)

Rested: Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello


Andreoli Latina 42; Bassano Volley 41; Codyeco Santa Croce 40; Esse-ti Carilo Loreto 39; Nava Gioia del Colle, Olio Pignatelli Isernia 31; Samgas Crema 30; Canadiens Mantova 29; M.Roma Volley 28; Materdomini Volley.it Castellana Grotte, Wayel Bologna 23; Edilesse Cavriago 17; Sp Catania 16; Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello 14; La Nef Castelfidardo* 13.

1 Game in hand: Bassano Volley, Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto, Olio Pignatelli Isernia, Canadiens Mantova, M. Roma Volley, Wayel Bologna, Gherardi Cartoedit Tratos C.di Castello;

Pakistan favourites in 2010 World Championship first-round tourney

Islamabad, Pakistan, January 26, 2009 – Hosts and favourites Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Macau will battle for two second-round tickets available in the 2010 Men's FIVB World Championship first-round Pool B Asia tournament in Islamabad that begins Wednesday at the Liaquat Gymnasium.

Pakistan are tipped to finish first in the three-day round-robin event. In the past few years, Pakistan have not lost to the other three teams in regional tournaments.

Pakistan defeated Maldives at the 2007 Asian Senior Volleyball Championship in straight sets, finishing 13th, ahead of the 16th-placed Maldives. In the second AVC Central Zone Championship, Pakistan beat Maldives again, 3-0. At the 2006 South Asian Games, Pakistan crushed Bangladesh 3-0 and finished third. And at the 2007 Second Commonwealth Volleyball Championship, Pakistan won the bronze medal while Bangladesh placed seventh.

Pakistan Head Coach Ali Reza said, “Our team is a young team but we will try our best to win first place. What we are now thinking is about how to play in the second and third rounds.

"I, as a foreign coach, have found a lot of talent for Volleyball here, and with a good programme in the near future you will see big progress by the Pakistan Volleyball team in Asia and at the world level," said the Iranian.

“The Pakistan team is a young team with an average age of 23 and an average height of 197 cm and we are following a four-year programme of the Pakistan Volleyball Federation until 2012.”

A tough battle for the second spot is expected to take place between Maldives and Bangladesh, with the latter thought to have a marginally better chance of progressing. The top two will advance to the second round Pool E from June 9 to 11 in Thailand, where they are going to compete against the hosts and India, who join the second round directly, for a third-round berth.

Bangladesh Head Coach Mohammad Sohel is optimistic about their chances. He said, “Pakistan is very strong team in the subcontinent and play regional Volleyball on a regular basis and therefore have more exposure. If our boys can keep their cool we should come in second place and qualify for the second round.”

Bangladesh will play against Maldives in the tournament’s first match before hosts Pakistan play Macau. The hosts will then first face Bangladesh and then Maldives.

Two hundred and fifteen national teams are competing for a place in the 2010 FIVB Men’s and Women’s World Championship finals in Italy and Japan, with 68 tournaments and three preliminary rounds before the grand finale. The 2010 men’s finals will be held in Italy from September 23 to October 10 and the women's finals in Japan from October 29 to November 14.

There are 22 tickets at stake worldwide for the men’s final round, with the hosts plus reigning champions Brazil already qualified.

There are three rounds scheduled for the men’s tournaments in Asia. In the first round there are three pools. Pool A consists of Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand and Fuji, while Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Oman and Saudi Arabia are in Pool C. The top team in Pool A and the top three from Pool C will enter the second round together with the top two from Pool B.

Pakistan Volleyball Federation President Chaudhry Yaqoob, in a press conference with PVF secretary Muhammad Afzal and Iranian coach Ali Reza Moameri, explained that the foreign teams were set to arrive on Monday, January 26. The president said Pakistan had worked hard to ensure a successful event.

Federal Minister for Sports Pir Aftab Shah Jilani will be the chief guest of the tournament opening ceremony.

Asian Pool B match schedule (all local times)

Day 1 (January 28)
Maldives vs. Bangladesh, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Macau, 17:00

Day 2 (January 29)
Macau vs. Maldives, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Bangladesh, 16:30

Day 3 (January 30)
Bangladesh vs. Macau, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Maldives, 16:30

Pakistan favourites in 2010 World Championship first-round tourney

Islamabad, Pakistan, January 26, 2009 – Hosts and favourites Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Macau will battle for two second-round tickets available in the 2010 Men's FIVB World Championship first-round Pool B Asia tournament in Islamabad that begins Wednesday at the Liaquat Gymnasium.

Pakistan are tipped to finish first in the three-day round-robin event. In the past few years, Pakistan have not lost to the other three teams in regional tournaments.

Pakistan defeated Maldives at the 2007 Asian Senior Volleyball Championship in straight sets, finishing 13th, ahead of the 16th-placed Maldives. In the second AVC Central Zone Championship, Pakistan beat Maldives again, 3-0. At the 2006 South Asian Games, Pakistan crushed Bangladesh 3-0 and finished third. And at the 2007 Second Commonwealth Volleyball Championship, Pakistan won the bronze medal while Bangladesh placed seventh.

Pakistan Head Coach Ali Reza said, “Our team is a young team but we will try our best to win first place. What we are now thinking is about how to play in the second and third rounds.

"I, as a foreign coach, have found a lot of talent for Volleyball here, and with a good programme in the near future you will see big progress by the Pakistan Volleyball team in Asia and at the world level," said the Iranian.

“The Pakistan team is a young team with an average age of 23 and an average height of 197 cm and we are following a four-year programme of the Pakistan Volleyball Federation until 2012.”

A tough battle for the second spot is expected to take place between Maldives and Bangladesh, with the latter thought to have a marginally better chance of progressing. The top two will advance to the second round Pool E from June 9 to 11 in Thailand, where they are going to compete against the hosts and India, who join the second round directly, for a third-round berth.

Bangladesh Head Coach Mohammad Sohel is optimistic about their chances. He said, “Pakistan is very strong team in the subcontinent and play regional Volleyball on a regular basis and therefore have more exposure. If our boys can keep their cool we should come in second place and qualify for the second round.”

Bangladesh will play against Maldives in the tournament’s first match before hosts Pakistan play Macau. The hosts will then first face Bangladesh and then Maldives.

Two hundred and fifteen national teams are competing for a place in the 2010 FIVB Men’s and Women’s World Championship finals in Italy and Japan, with 68 tournaments and three preliminary rounds before the grand finale. The 2010 men’s finals will be held in Italy from September 23 to October 10 and the women's finals in Japan from October 29 to November 14.

There are 22 tickets at stake worldwide for the men’s final round, with the hosts plus reigning champions Brazil already qualified.

There are three rounds scheduled for the men’s tournaments in Asia. In the first round there are three pools. Pool A consists of Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand and Fuji, while Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Oman and Saudi Arabia are in Pool C. The top team in Pool A and the top three from Pool C will enter the second round together with the top two from Pool B.

Pakistan Volleyball Federation President Chaudhry Yaqoob, in a press conference with PVF secretary Muhammad Afzal and Iranian coach Ali Reza Moameri, explained that the foreign teams were set to arrive on Monday, January 26. The president said Pakistan had worked hard to ensure a successful event.

Federal Minister for Sports Pir Aftab Shah Jilani will be the chief guest of the tournament opening ceremony.

Asian Pool B match schedule (all local times)

Day 1 (January 28)
Maldives vs. Bangladesh, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Macau, 17:00

Day 2 (January 29)
Macau vs. Maldives, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Bangladesh, 16:30

Day 3 (January 30)
Bangladesh vs. Macau, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Maldives, 16:30

Pakistan favourites in 2010 World Championship first-round tourney

Islamabad, Pakistan, January 26, 2009 – Hosts and favourites Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Macau will battle for two second-round tickets available in the 2010 Men's FIVB World Championship first-round Pool B Asia tournament in Islamabad that begins Wednesday at the Liaquat Gymnasium.

Pakistan are tipped to finish first in the three-day round-robin event. In the past few years, Pakistan have not lost to the other three teams in regional tournaments.

Pakistan defeated Maldives at the 2007 Asian Senior Volleyball Championship in straight sets, finishing 13th, ahead of the 16th-placed Maldives. In the second AVC Central Zone Championship, Pakistan beat Maldives again, 3-0. At the 2006 South Asian Games, Pakistan crushed Bangladesh 3-0 and finished third. And at the 2007 Second Commonwealth Volleyball Championship, Pakistan won the bronze medal while Bangladesh placed seventh.

Pakistan Head Coach Ali Reza said, “Our team is a young team but we will try our best to win first place. What we are now thinking is about how to play in the second and third rounds.

"I, as a foreign coach, have found a lot of talent for Volleyball here, and with a good programme in the near future you will see big progress by the Pakistan Volleyball team in Asia and at the world level," said the Iranian.

“The Pakistan team is a young team with an average age of 23 and an average height of 197 cm and we are following a four-year programme of the Pakistan Volleyball Federation until 2012.”

A tough battle for the second spot is expected to take place between Maldives and Bangladesh, with the latter thought to have a marginally better chance of progressing. The top two will advance to the second round Pool E from June 9 to 11 in Thailand, where they are going to compete against the hosts and India, who join the second round directly, for a third-round berth.

Bangladesh Head Coach Mohammad Sohel is optimistic about their chances. He said, “Pakistan is very strong team in the subcontinent and play regional Volleyball on a regular basis and therefore have more exposure. If our boys can keep their cool we should come in second place and qualify for the second round.”

Bangladesh will play against Maldives in the tournament’s first match before hosts Pakistan play Macau. The hosts will then first face Bangladesh and then Maldives.

Two hundred and fifteen national teams are competing for a place in the 2010 FIVB Men’s and Women’s World Championship finals in Italy and Japan, with 68 tournaments and three preliminary rounds before the grand finale. The 2010 men’s finals will be held in Italy from September 23 to October 10 and the women's finals in Japan from October 29 to November 14.

There are 22 tickets at stake worldwide for the men’s final round, with the hosts plus reigning champions Brazil already qualified.

There are three rounds scheduled for the men’s tournaments in Asia. In the first round there are three pools. Pool A consists of Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand and Fuji, while Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Oman and Saudi Arabia are in Pool C. The top team in Pool A and the top three from Pool C will enter the second round together with the top two from Pool B.

Pakistan Volleyball Federation President Chaudhry Yaqoob, in a press conference with PVF secretary Muhammad Afzal and Iranian coach Ali Reza Moameri, explained that the foreign teams were set to arrive on Monday, January 26. The president said Pakistan had worked hard to ensure a successful event.

Federal Minister for Sports Pir Aftab Shah Jilani will be the chief guest of the tournament opening ceremony.

Asian Pool B match schedule (all local times)

Day 1 (January 28)
Maldives vs. Bangladesh, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Macau, 17:00

Day 2 (January 29)
Macau vs. Maldives, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Bangladesh, 16:30

Day 3 (January 30)
Bangladesh vs. Macau, 15:00
Pakistan vs. Maldives, 16:30

Tetyukhin in club 200

"I made a record? I do not know", admitted russian spiker. The star of Russian Superleague, Sergey Tetyukhin, has played 252 national team games.

Also in Russia the fans were voting players of All Star Game, which will be held January 30 in Surgut. One outcome of this vote was obvious. The start of Sergey Tetyukhin in the best six of Russians. This fact is not surprising. 33-year-old spiker is one of the biggest stars in the history of Russian volleyball.

The All Star Game 2009 will be different from the previous matches. To five prominent players will be given personal awards - as the first members of "Club 200". What is the "200 Club"? As many probably already guessed, the "200 Club" will now take the players, who played at least two hundred official matches for the national team of Russia. If you look at the available statistics of the other national teams, this line may not seem too impressive. First, these data are often with errors. Secondly, along with officials some countries took into account also the friendly games. And thirdly, many countries usually take into account, even beeing on the list of the team - regardless of whether the player participated in the game. Russian "Club 200" is of all these deficiencies deprived.

We're glad to report: a record of Russian national team is still the same Tetyukhin, which is 252 games for the national team. "To be honest, I would never thought that I make record", said Tetyukhin

Do you remember, when was your first match for the national team of Russia?
For the first time I was invited in 1993 - the friendly games in Japan. But my official debut was in 1996. This was the qualifation tournament of the World League.

Were you worried at that time?
It was unusual to be on the same court with such celebrities as Olihver, Shatunov. At that time in the team debuted Kazakov, Khamuttskih. The atmosphere in the Russian national team has always been remarkable.

In the same 1996, you have participated in the first of your four Olympics. And what the tournament in the national team is the most memorable?
World League 2002. That victory over the Brazilians in Brazil has left an indelible impression. When we won the World Cup in 1999, the feeling was not so strong.

What was your best match for the national team?
I think it was also in 2002 against Brazil in final.

What was the worst defeat for you?
Olympics 2000 when we lost the final with Serbia, we were more experienced. The match was clearly in our hands. But it was not enough, it was the worst disappointment.

In addition to your 200 official matches for the national team of Russia four people more achieved this. Can you name them?

Ushakov, Kazakov, Khamuttskih and Olikhver.

All you will be introduced in the "200 Club" to match of the stars on 30 January in Surgut. Are you already thinking about this game?
The All Stars Game - above all, is for the spectators. And for the players - the opportunity to see old friends. For example, my former partners "Dinamo-TTG" Lloya Ball and Clayton Stanley.

Sergey Tetyukhin profile:
Russian Superleague winner (1997-1998, 2002-2004, 2007)
Russian Cup winner (1995-1998, 2003)
Champions League winner (2003, 2004, 2007)
European Championships bronze medalist (2001, 2003, 2007)
European Championships silver medalist (1999)
World Championships silver medalist (2002)
Olympic Games silver meadlist (Sydney-2000)
Olympic Games bronze medalist (Athens-2004, Beijing-2008)

Sergey Teyukhin was born in Uzbekistan. As a child Tetyukhin showed interest in sports that predetermined his future occupation.
In 1992 the wing-spiker made his first appearance for Belogorie-Dinamo Belgorod (present-day Lokomotiv-Belogorie). On the whole Tetyukhin spent 12 years in row in Lokomotiv-Belogorie. The club has become near and dear to Tetyukhin as most of his achievements are associated with this team. However, Lokomotiv-Belogorie´s success is equally associated with the name of Sergei Tetyukhin. The years of their cooperation were marked with numerous Russian Superleague titles (1997-98, 2002-04), Russia Cup titles (1995-98, 2003), European Champions League (2003, 2004). Tetyukhin spent two years (2006 -2008) in Kazan, he become again Russian champion, Cup winner and Champions League winner.

In 1993 Sergei Tetykhin made his international debut and has been capped regularly ever since. The wing-spiker has taken part in three Olympic games and helped Russia take the silver in Sydney (2000), the bronze in Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008).

The wing spiker Sergei Tetyukhin is considered to be one of the best Russian volleyball players. His professionalism and on-court versatility are highly appreciated by the team coaches as they strive to reinforce their squads with Tetyukhin. He is quite easily adept at receiving or making a spike. His dynamite serves are another string to his bow.

Tetyukhin in club 200

"I made a record? I do not know", admitted russian spiker. The star of Russian Superleague, Sergey Tetyukhin, has played 252 national team games.

Also in Russia the fans were voting players of All Star Game, which will be held January 30 in Surgut. One outcome of this vote was obvious. The start of Sergey Tetyukhin in the best six of Russians. This fact is not surprising. 33-year-old spiker is one of the biggest stars in the history of Russian volleyball.

The All Star Game 2009 will be different from the previous matches. To five prominent players will be given personal awards - as the first members of "Club 200". What is the "200 Club"? As many probably already guessed, the "200 Club" will now take the players, who played at least two hundred official matches for the national team of Russia. If you look at the available statistics of the other national teams, this line may not seem too impressive. First, these data are often with errors. Secondly, along with officials some countries took into account also the friendly games. And thirdly, many countries usually take into account, even beeing on the list of the team - regardless of whether the player participated in the game. Russian "Club 200" is of all these deficiencies deprived.

We're glad to report: a record of Russian national team is still the same Tetyukhin, which is 252 games for the national team. "To be honest, I would never thought that I make record", said Tetyukhin

Do you remember, when was your first match for the national team of Russia?
For the first time I was invited in 1993 - the friendly games in Japan. But my official debut was in 1996. This was the qualifation tournament of the World League.

Were you worried at that time?
It was unusual to be on the same court with such celebrities as Olihver, Shatunov. At that time in the team debuted Kazakov, Khamuttskih. The atmosphere in the Russian national team has always been remarkable.

In the same 1996, you have participated in the first of your four Olympics. And what the tournament in the national team is the most memorable?
World League 2002. That victory over the Brazilians in Brazil has left an indelible impression. When we won the World Cup in 1999, the feeling was not so strong.

What was your best match for the national team?
I think it was also in 2002 against Brazil in final.

What was the worst defeat for you?
Olympics 2000 when we lost the final with Serbia, we were more experienced. The match was clearly in our hands. But it was not enough, it was the worst disappointment.

In addition to your 200 official matches for the national team of Russia four people more achieved this. Can you name them?

Ushakov, Kazakov, Khamuttskih and Olikhver.

All you will be introduced in the "200 Club" to match of the stars on 30 January in Surgut. Are you already thinking about this game?
The All Stars Game - above all, is for the spectators. And for the players - the opportunity to see old friends. For example, my former partners "Dinamo-TTG" Lloya Ball and Clayton Stanley.

Sergey Tetyukhin profile:
Russian Superleague winner (1997-1998, 2002-2004, 2007)
Russian Cup winner (1995-1998, 2003)
Champions League winner (2003, 2004, 2007)
European Championships bronze medalist (2001, 2003, 2007)
European Championships silver medalist (1999)
World Championships silver medalist (2002)
Olympic Games silver meadlist (Sydney-2000)
Olympic Games bronze medalist (Athens-2004, Beijing-2008)

Sergey Teyukhin was born in Uzbekistan. As a child Tetyukhin showed interest in sports that predetermined his future occupation.
In 1992 the wing-spiker made his first appearance for Belogorie-Dinamo Belgorod (present-day Lokomotiv-Belogorie). On the whole Tetyukhin spent 12 years in row in Lokomotiv-Belogorie. The club has become near and dear to Tetyukhin as most of his achievements are associated with this team. However, Lokomotiv-Belogorie´s success is equally associated with the name of Sergei Tetyukhin. The years of their cooperation were marked with numerous Russian Superleague titles (1997-98, 2002-04), Russia Cup titles (1995-98, 2003), European Champions League (2003, 2004). Tetyukhin spent two years (2006 -2008) in Kazan, he become again Russian champion, Cup winner and Champions League winner.

In 1993 Sergei Tetykhin made his international debut and has been capped regularly ever since. The wing-spiker has taken part in three Olympic games and helped Russia take the silver in Sydney (2000), the bronze in Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008).

The wing spiker Sergei Tetyukhin is considered to be one of the best Russian volleyball players. His professionalism and on-court versatility are highly appreciated by the team coaches as they strive to reinforce their squads with Tetyukhin. He is quite easily adept at receiving or making a spike. His dynamite serves are another string to his bow.

Tetyukhin in club 200

"I made a record? I do not know", admitted russian spiker. The star of Russian Superleague, Sergey Tetyukhin, has played 252 national team games.

Also in Russia the fans were voting players of All Star Game, which will be held January 30 in Surgut. One outcome of this vote was obvious. The start of Sergey Tetyukhin in the best six of Russians. This fact is not surprising. 33-year-old spiker is one of the biggest stars in the history of Russian volleyball.

The All Star Game 2009 will be different from the previous matches. To five prominent players will be given personal awards - as the first members of "Club 200". What is the "200 Club"? As many probably already guessed, the "200 Club" will now take the players, who played at least two hundred official matches for the national team of Russia. If you look at the available statistics of the other national teams, this line may not seem too impressive. First, these data are often with errors. Secondly, along with officials some countries took into account also the friendly games. And thirdly, many countries usually take into account, even beeing on the list of the team - regardless of whether the player participated in the game. Russian "Club 200" is of all these deficiencies deprived.

We're glad to report: a record of Russian national team is still the same Tetyukhin, which is 252 games for the national team. "To be honest, I would never thought that I make record", said Tetyukhin

Do you remember, when was your first match for the national team of Russia?
For the first time I was invited in 1993 - the friendly games in Japan. But my official debut was in 1996. This was the qualifation tournament of the World League.

Were you worried at that time?
It was unusual to be on the same court with such celebrities as Olihver, Shatunov. At that time in the team debuted Kazakov, Khamuttskih. The atmosphere in the Russian national team has always been remarkable.

In the same 1996, you have participated in the first of your four Olympics. And what the tournament in the national team is the most memorable?
World League 2002. That victory over the Brazilians in Brazil has left an indelible impression. When we won the World Cup in 1999, the feeling was not so strong.

What was your best match for the national team?
I think it was also in 2002 against Brazil in final.

What was the worst defeat for you?
Olympics 2000 when we lost the final with Serbia, we were more experienced. The match was clearly in our hands. But it was not enough, it was the worst disappointment.

In addition to your 200 official matches for the national team of Russia four people more achieved this. Can you name them?

Ushakov, Kazakov, Khamuttskih and Olikhver.

All you will be introduced in the "200 Club" to match of the stars on 30 January in Surgut. Are you already thinking about this game?
The All Stars Game - above all, is for the spectators. And for the players - the opportunity to see old friends. For example, my former partners "Dinamo-TTG" Lloya Ball and Clayton Stanley.

Sergey Tetyukhin profile:
Russian Superleague winner (1997-1998, 2002-2004, 2007)
Russian Cup winner (1995-1998, 2003)
Champions League winner (2003, 2004, 2007)
European Championships bronze medalist (2001, 2003, 2007)
European Championships silver medalist (1999)
World Championships silver medalist (2002)
Olympic Games silver meadlist (Sydney-2000)
Olympic Games bronze medalist (Athens-2004, Beijing-2008)

Sergey Teyukhin was born in Uzbekistan. As a child Tetyukhin showed interest in sports that predetermined his future occupation.
In 1992 the wing-spiker made his first appearance for Belogorie-Dinamo Belgorod (present-day Lokomotiv-Belogorie). On the whole Tetyukhin spent 12 years in row in Lokomotiv-Belogorie. The club has become near and dear to Tetyukhin as most of his achievements are associated with this team. However, Lokomotiv-Belogorie´s success is equally associated with the name of Sergei Tetyukhin. The years of their cooperation were marked with numerous Russian Superleague titles (1997-98, 2002-04), Russia Cup titles (1995-98, 2003), European Champions League (2003, 2004). Tetyukhin spent two years (2006 -2008) in Kazan, he become again Russian champion, Cup winner and Champions League winner.

In 1993 Sergei Tetykhin made his international debut and has been capped regularly ever since. The wing-spiker has taken part in three Olympic games and helped Russia take the silver in Sydney (2000), the bronze in Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008).

The wing spiker Sergei Tetyukhin is considered to be one of the best Russian volleyball players. His professionalism and on-court versatility are highly appreciated by the team coaches as they strive to reinforce their squads with Tetyukhin. He is quite easily adept at receiving or making a spike. His dynamite serves are another string to his bow.

A. Zέκοφ: "Δύσκολη αποστολή με Ηρακλή, στόχος μας η νίκη"

Μετά την πρόκριση στους «8» του Challenge Cup, επιστροφή στο Ελληνικό πρωτάθλημα για την ομάδα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ η οποία το απόγευμα (19.00) της Δευτέρας (26/1) υποδέχεται τον Ηρακλή, στο πλαίσιο της 15ης αγωνιστικής της Α1 Εθνικής.

Ο πασαδόρος της ΕΑΠ Λουξ, Αντρέι Ζέκοφ, δήλωσε: «Το παιχνίδι με τον Ηρακλή είναι ένας αγώνας όπως όλοι οι άλλοι που δίνουμε στην Πάτρα και στόχος μας είναι η νίκη για να διατηρηθούμε στη 3η θέση της βαθμολογίας. Ξέρουμε ότι αντιμετωπίζουμε μια από τις καλύτερες ομάδες στην Ελλάδα και θα έχουμε δύσκολη αποστολή αλλά όπως σε όλα τα παιχνίδια έτσι και τώρα θα τα δώσουμε όλα για το θετικό αποτέλεσμα ώστε να ξεκινήσουμε με τον καλύτερο τρόπο ένα μήνα με πολλούς και δύσκολους αγώνες που έρχεται».

Οι «μελανόλευκοι» θα ολοκληρώσουν το απόγευμα της Κυριακής την προετοιμασία τους και το μοναδικό πρόβλημα για τον Χριστόπουλο είναι οι ενοχλήσεις που έχει στον αριστερό ώμο ο Μπόγιαν Γιορντάνοφ ο οποίος όμως ακολουθεί θεραπευτική αγωγή θα βρίσκεται στην διάθεση του Πατρινού τεχνικού.
Οι παίκτες που αποτελούν την αποστολή της ΕΑΠ Λουξ είναι οι εξής: Μπόγιαν Γιορντάνοφ ,Μάριος Γκιούρδας, Κώστας Γκιρτζίκης, Μιχάλης Κόβατς, Γιώργος Παπάζογλου, , Μαρσέλο Σάκι, Μάρεκ Νοβότνι, Αντρέι Ζέκοφ, Χρήστος Δημητρακόπουλος, Μάκης Λαμπρόπουλος, Χρήστος Ιωακειμίδης και Γιώργος Κιτσαντάς ενώ εκτός δωδεκάδας έμεινε ο Νίκος Καραγκιόζης.

A. Zέκοφ: "Δύσκολη αποστολή με Ηρακλή, στόχος μας η νίκη"

Μετά την πρόκριση στους «8» του Challenge Cup, επιστροφή στο Ελληνικό πρωτάθλημα για την ομάδα της ΕΑΠ Λουξ η οποία το απόγευμα (19.00) της Δευτέρας (26/1) υποδέχεται τον Ηρακλή, στο πλαίσιο της 15ης αγωνιστικής της Α1 Εθνικής.

Ο πασαδόρος της ΕΑΠ Λουξ, Αντρέι Ζέκοφ, δήλωσε: «Το παιχνίδι με τον Ηρακλή είναι ένας αγώνας όπως όλοι οι άλλοι που δίνουμε στην Πάτρα και στόχος μας είναι η νίκη για να διατηρηθούμε στη 3η θέση της βαθμολογίας. Ξέρουμε ότι αντιμετωπίζουμε μια από τις καλύτερες ομάδες στην Ελλάδα και θα έχουμε δύσκολη αποστολή αλλά όπως σε όλα τα παιχνίδια έτσι και τώρα θα τα δώσουμε όλα για το θετικό αποτέλεσμα ώστε να ξεκινήσουμε με τον καλύτερο τρόπο ένα μήνα με πολλούς και δύσκολους αγώνες που έρχεται».

Οι «μελανόλευκοι» θα ολοκληρώσουν το απόγευμα της Κυριακής την προετοιμασία τους και το μοναδικό πρόβλημα για τον Χριστόπουλο είναι οι ενοχλήσεις που έχει στον αριστερό ώμο ο Μπόγιαν Γιορντάνοφ ο οποίος όμως ακολουθεί θεραπευτική αγωγή θα βρίσκεται στην διάθεση του Πατρινού τεχνικού.
Οι παίκτες που αποτελούν την αποστολή της ΕΑΠ Λουξ είναι οι εξής: Μπόγιαν Γιορντάνοφ ,Μάριος Γκιούρδας, Κώστας Γκιρτζίκης, Μιχάλης Κόβατς, Γιώργος Παπάζογλου, , Μαρσέλο Σάκι, Μάρεκ Νοβότνι, Αντρέι Ζέκοφ, Χρήστος Δημητρακόπουλος, Μάκης Λαμπρόπουλος, Χρήστος Ιωακειμίδης και Γιώργος Κιτσαντάς ενώ εκτός δωδεκάδας έμεινε ο Νίκος Καραγκιόζης.